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Methodist Church

Craft Group

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Thursdays 10.00am – 12noon

Our Christmas Fayre is to be held on 30th November 2024 10a.m. till 12noon in the Church Hall

On a regular basis, we have an average of 20 to 25 crafters attending each week, enjoying teas, coffees and cakes served in the Welcome, by the delightful tea ladies.
The Group is a way of meeting new friends. We hold small internal workshops to teach one another new skills and how to make new items – we are very lucky to have some very gifted and talented members in our Group.
We are at present making a large banner to be displayed in the Church at Eastertime.
We also decorate a Christmas tree for the Festival in December, a different theme is decided upon every year and we decorate the tree accordingly.
In addition, on an ongoing basis, we donate to, and make blankets for, Brockworth House, and also many items for the premature baby unit, as detailed below.

Hucclecote Methodist Craft Group History

The Craft Group was set up in approximately 1991 and was held at the Manse. It was run by Ruth who was at that time the current Minsters wife.
When the Meacham's term of office came to an end and transferred to another Church, it was decided that the Craft Group would continue, with Dorothy Dwight as Organiser and Jill Payne as Treasurer, positions they held for many many years. Also at this time the Group moved to the Church Hall on a Thursday morning 10a.m. till 12 noon. Everyone was welcome, whether a Church member or not, and this is how it has continued. The only dates we don't meet are Maundy Thursday and 2/3 weeks at Christmastime.
Our first meeting of the New Year is a Bring and Share lunch enjoying games and Quiz's, a fun time is had by all.
During the year we gladly receive craft materials, wool, zips, ribbons lace etc from people clearing out attics or sorting out their own craft items.
We pay a 6 monthly subscription in January and July.
We give donations to Brockworth House, and knit squares to make blankets for the residents to keep their knees warm.
We give donations to the Church for the use of the Hall for which we are extremely grateful.
We have for many years knitted baby blankets, cardigans and hats for the Premature Baby Unit, only this week we have prepared 17 blankets, 19 cardigans and 10 hats.

Contact Us

Hucclecote Methodist Church
Carisbrooke Road, Hucclecote,

Where We Are

© 2025 – Hucclecote Methodist Church